Dow aircraft deicing fluids

Dec. 10, 2008
Dow Chemical's UCAR aircraft deicing fluid (ADF) concentrate is an ethylene glycol-based fluid containing water, corrosion inhibitors, wetting agents, and an orange dye. Aqueous solutions of UCAR ADF Concentrate are used to assist in removing ice, snow, and frost from the exterior surfaces of aircraft. Certain mixtures of UCAR ADF concentrate with water enable the fluid to be applied to large high-speed jet aircraft down to -45 C (-49 F). It conforms to SAE AMS 1424D requirements for SAE Type I. UCAR Flightguard AD-480 propylene glycol Type IV aircraft anti-icing fluid (AAF) contains water, corrosion inhibitors, wetting agents, thickeners, and green dye, and is formulated to be used undiluted as an anti-icing fluid for extended protection time against precipitation. It is formulated to provide rapid and uniform wetting and spreading on the surface of an aircraft. It conforms to SAE AMS 1428D requirements in the undiluted (100/0) form. For more information visit

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