Henry Locher, AMT 2018 Next Gen 40 Under 40 Award Winner

Sept. 20, 2018
36, Vice President of Operations, AAR Landing Gear Services, Miami, FL Years in Aviation: 8

The ever-changing environment and challenges that the aviation industry provides are what drew Henry Locher into aviation.

Jesus Banal, vice president of operation and general manager of AAR Landing Gear Services, was his mentor. "He taught me everything about landing gear and how to become a better manager. His work ethic is unparalleled. He was a role model for me throughout all these years, and I am a better manager and person thanks to him."

Locher started at AAR Landing Gear Services in 2010 as a business intelligence analyst. He built his career around production and soon became the director of operations and he was in charge of the planning department and overseeing critical aspects of the production system. In 2017, he was promoted to his current position of vice president of operations, and he is in charge of leading the production, planning and supply chain of the landing gear overhaul facility.

He attended the University of Miami, Universidad Metropolitana, Villanova University, and received additional training at AAR Corp. He focused on production engineering at Universidad Metropolitana, received a master's degree in industrial engineering from the University of Miami, and achieved Lean Six Sigma Black Belt at Villanova University. He belongs to the University of Miami, Center for Advanced Supply Chain Management.

Nominated by Scott Ingold, Vice President and General Manager, AAR Corporation, Landing Gear Services: "Henry Locher joined AAR Landing Gear Services in Miami in 2010. He was tasked with creating business intelligence tools to help us run our business more effectively and efficiently. This eventually led him into identifying better production systems and moving the operational philosophy away from the classical push and expedite. He took on various additional roles until his promotion to vice president of operations in July of 2017. With continued restructuring, incentive adjustments, and process redesign LGS’ operations were able to transition to more simplified and visible supply chains. He was able to develop a proprietary software that drives all internal operations and support external ones critical to operational success. His commitment to employee safety is unwavering and with our growing operations he has helped start apprenticeship programs to continue to train critical skillsets for our industry. Mr. Locher will continue to excel in the aviation industry with his advanced analytical approach to operations and his critical understanding of market trends."

To give back to the industry Locher mentors and makes time for people in the industry. "I’m currently mentoring my successor and hopefully I can teach him everything that Jesus Banal taught me throughout my career in the aviation industry."

His short-term career goal is to increase professional knowledge and training. "I would like to get aviation certifications and keep improving my management skills while in my current role. Long-term, I would like to keep growing inside AAR and achieve a leadership role as general manager in AAR Landing Gear Services or another management opportunity that would continue to expand my skillset."