Hi-Tech Duravent

Plymouth, IN 46563


About Hi-Tech Duravent


1177 Markley Dr
Plymouth, IN 46563
United States

More Info on Hi-Tech Duravent

Hitechduravent 10018038

We manufacture translucent blue, durable urethane lav hose that is abrasion, crush and kink resistant.

Products and Press Releases

Lavhose 10027374
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Lav Hose

Nov. 5, 2009
The Hi-Tech Duravent Lav Hose is designed to withstand the rugged conditions of an airport ramp. This industry tested, durable urethane hose is thermally bonded with nylon helix...
Lavhoses 10026575
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Lav Hoses

Oct. 16, 2007
Hi-Tech Duravent Lav Hose now available in TWO styles: Lav Hose: Industry tested, translucent blue, durable urethane, thermally bonded nylon helix. Abrasion, crush and kink resistant...

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