Aviation Technology Moves Offices to Hooksett, NH

Jan. 10, 2017
This move is part of the company's rebranding strategy for the general aviation industry.

Aviation Technology Inc. (ATI) has moved its offices from Manchester, NH, to Hooksett, NH.

Aviation Technology, Inc. and its Avitech product line represents one of the world’s leading sources of customized ground support test equipment, used to test hydraulic, lubrication, pneumatic, electrical and fuel-related aircraft components, as well as portable hydraulic power units for general aviation, commercial passenger and military aircraft.

This move is part of the company's rebranding strategy for the general aviation industry, which includes a focus on its Hydraulic Power Units (HPU’s) with available power ranges between 3HP and 100HP. The HPUs typically provide pressures for 3,000 psi hydraulic systems, with several models equipped to run up to 5,000 psi. For more information, email [email protected].