As part of an effort to address the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) in Europe, the European Commission recently announced it will allow products into the European market that meet certain international standards and requirements recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), including ASTM International standards for medical gloves and masks.
“ASTM International has been engaged with government agencies and PPE suppliers worldwide to share the technical knowledge and regulatory science provided in our standards with those that most need access,” says Kathie Morgan, ASTM International president. “We fully support the European Commission’s recommendation and hope the greater use of ASTM standards will increase the supply of PPE and benefit the health and safety of European citizens during this pandemic.”
ASTM International standards on PPE, including protective gloves (D6319) and surgical masks (F2100), are listed among the international standards recommended by the WHO in a recent guidance document on the same topic.
Last week, ASTM International announced no-cost public access to a suite of more than two dozen PPE standards to combat the spread of coronavirus, including standards recommended by the WHO and the European Commission.