Baldwin Aviation Selected by Global Aerospace Inc. to Provide SMS Programs, Training, and Support for Comprehensive Safety Initiative
Hilton Head Island, SC — Baldwin Aviation announced today that it had been selected by Global Aerospace, Inc. to provide Safety Management System programs, training and support as part of a comprehensive new SM4 safety initiative the worldwide provider of specialty aerospace insurance is unveiling for its U.S. based General Aviation customers. “We’re extremely pleased to be teaming with one of the world’s foremost aviation insurance companies to proactively address safety issues with their clients,” said Don Baldwin, chief executive and founder of Baldwin Aviation. “SM4 is, in effect, a ‘one stop shop’ that addresses all the elements of safety management —Planning, Prevention, Response and Recovery — in one place. Obviously, providing this convenient and efficient approach to Safety Management is a goal we share with Global Aerospace, so it makes sense to align our efforts with theirs,” he continued.
Baldwin Aviation is one of a select group of safety and risk management firms collaborating with Global Aerospace to offer a coordinated series of innovative training seminars, electronic newsletters from nationally recognized safety experts, an interactive website monitored by key safety experts, and an impressive suite of direct on-site services to its clients. Baldwin Aviation is a recognized leader in developing and implementing tailored safety management and monitoring programs that comply with the stringent standards required for IS-BAO certification.
“The practical benefits of proactive safety management and consistent, up-to-date training can be measured in time savings and increased operational efficiency,” Baldwin added. “Insurance companies recognize the benefits of a well-defined program. Global Aerospace is making a tangible investment in their clients’ safety. Consistent monitoring of procedures and overall management of operations usually translate into competitive advantages, too,” he said.
“The SMS programs we have developed at Baldwin Aviation are designed to meet IS-BAO requirements that were inspired by industry best practices. They provide a high quality measurement that fosters safer, more efficient and effective operations. IS-BAO is really a continuous improvement program that prescribes an audit every two years and stimulates an ongoing self-audit program to ensure currency and relevance,” Baldwin noted.
“We work with our clients to ensure their uninterrupted and efficient operation both domestically and internationally by providing them with Safety Management plans that meet and exceed government-mandated standards and are tailored to their specific operations. We are committed to continually improving our own operations to ensure we provide up-to-date information, experience-driven insights and added value,” Baldwin concluded.
About Baldwin Aviation
Baldwin Aviation was founded to provide online, cost effective safety programs for fixed wing and rotor aircraft that are simple in their delivery and use. Featuring secure, online, customized manuals, the core Safety & Compliance program includes internet based reporting and safety tools such as the Safety Barometer® that monitors safety trends. SMSplus® was designed for those flight organizations with some of the components of a safety management program already in place, that would also benefit from Baldwin’s comprehensive line of safety tools. Baldwin is the only company of its kind to earn IS-BAO registration for its safety program allowing its clients to become IS-BAO registered, if they so choose, in just 4-5 months at a fraction of the cost.