Denver, CO - The Airport Consultants Council (ACC) is pleased to announce that the Blue Grass Airport in Lexington, Kentucky is the recipient of ACC's 2015 Excellence in Procurement Award. Director of Engineering Mark Day accepted the award on behalf of the airport at a luncheon today during the ACC/AAAE Planning, Design & Construction Symposium in Denver, Colorado. The award recognizes airport or airport sponsors that demonstrate excellence in procurement and contracting practices.
Blue Grass Airport was selected for its exemplary practices, including:
- Selection policies, procedures, and evaluation criteria that are easy to understand and fairly applied during the selection processes; and;
- Regular incorporation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), resulting in over a decade of exceeding its DBE contracting goals;
- A fair and reasonable approach to the negotiation of scopes of work and associated fees; and
- A spirit of partnership with consultants that creates effective partnerships and successful projects.
ACC President T.J. Schulz affirmed the selection, stating, "ACC is pleased to recognize the Blue Grass Airport for its exemplary procurement practices. The airport has a procurement and contracting process that is clear and fairly evaluates proposals of qualification and experience from all firms.This commitment to honest partnership with airport development companies leads to sucessful teams and projects."
"We are honored to be recognized by the airport development community," said Eric Frankl, the airport's executive director. "Airports have a very significant relationship with airport development companies in various disciplines. Open, honest and professional consultant selection is one of Blue Grass Airport's fundamental core values that we continuously strive to maintain and is key to our long-term success."
The Airport Consultants Council (ACC) is the international trade association that represents private businesses involved in the development and operations of airports and related facilities. ACC is the only association that focuses exclusively on the business interests of firms with airport-related technical expertise. ACC informs its members of new trends while promoting fair competition and procurement practices that protect the industry's bottom line. Founded in 1978, ACC Headquarters is located in the Washington, D.C. area. View this release online at
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