Missouri Congressman Announces First Construction Funds for Joplin Airport Terminal

March 7, 2006
Joplin will benefit from a new terminal in its efforts to gain dependable daily air service while providing renewed interest from companies searching for a community to establish business operations.

The following information was released by the office of Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt:

Southwest Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt has notified Joplin Airport Director Steve Stockham that the U.S. Department of Transportation has released $2,395,000 to begin construction of the airport's new terminal building.

Convenient commercial air service is a vital part of any community's economic development, Congressman Blunt said. Joplin will benefit from a new terminal in its efforts to gain dependable daily air service while providing renewed interest from companies searching for a community to establish business operations.

Stockham hopes construction is underway by mid summer. The site work for the new terminal has been completed. We expect to have bids out in April for the second phase of the project which is the terminal. The third and fourth phase will include parking facilities and taxiways and aprons used by aircraft, explained Stockham.

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