Jets Diverted to Aberdeen Airport, Weather Prevented Landing in Minneapolis

March 14, 2006
Aberdeen's airport manager for Mesaba said the jets started coming in around 8:30 a.m. and at one time, there were five jets on the ground, including the ones already at the Aberdeen Regional Airport.

Two Pinnacle Airlines' jets and one Mesaba Airlines' jet were diverted to Aberdeen on Monday morning when they couldn't land in Minneapolis because of poor weather.

Aberdeen's airport manager for Mesaba said the jets started coming in around 8:30 a.m. and at one time, there were five jets on the ground, including the ones already at the Aberdeen Regional Airport.

The manager said one of the diverted jets was coming from Asheville, N.C., and another was from South Bend, Ind. He didn't know where the third came from. All were headed to Minneapolis and eventually would have been going elsewhere.

About 200 passengers were left waiting while the weather cleared and they were able to leave for their destination. The last jet left at about 1 p.m., the manager said.

"We've had jets diverted here before, but not this many at one time," he said. "Aberdeen is one of the primary diversions stations. It was quite the sight."

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