Official Calls for Tighter Security Around LAX

June 26, 2006
The motion was made in response to a recent television news report in which a crew reportedly entered a maintenance area that is supposed to be off-limits to the public.

A city official called Friday for greater security around the perimeter of Los Angeles International Airport amid reports that key areas of the facility are too easy to access.

Councilman Jack Weiss, who chairs the council's Public Safety Committee, introduced a motion asking the airport agency to examine the matter in the next 20 days, particularly the apparent lack of access restrictions at a large commercial aircraft maintenance area.

The motion also raised concerns about long lines of trucks waiting to deliver loads that are allegedly unchecked and unguarded. Weiss added that aviation security experts from Israel have been invited to the airport to offer advice.

Weiss introduced the motion in response to a recent television news report in which a crew reportedly entered a maintenance area that is supposed to be off-limits to the public.

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