Budget airline Ryanair Holdings PLC on Friday filed a claim for 3 million pounds ($5.7 million) against the British government as compensation for the cost of new security measures enforced after a major terror alert.
The Department for Transport said it would not roll back the security restrictions as Ryanair demanded, and said the Dublin, Ireland-based airline had no legal ground for seeking compensation.
"The value of the claim ... reflects Ryanair's losses from cancellations and lost bookings over the week of 10-16 August only," said Michael O'Leary, the airline's chief executive.
He said the purpose of the claim was to encourage the government to return to the security rules specified by the International Air Transport Association.
O'Leary said the claim also aimed "to prevent similar breakdowns at U.K. airports during future security scares by putting in the necessary police and army personnel to carry out the extra security checks whenever the government decides to double or quadruple them again without notice."
Copyright: AP Online -- 08/28/06
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