ADDAC and WheelTug plc have agreed to form an alliance to promote the development and certification of the WheelTug system for the Airbus 320 family.
The two partners also agreed to seek the cooperation of a European airline A320 operator. ADDAC (Association pour le Developpement Durable dans l'Aviation Civile) is an association aiming to promote sustainable development in civil aviation.
WheelTug is a system under development, intended to allow pilots to back away from gates without a tow tug, and taxi to and from take-off and landing points without using jet engines. It reportedly uses twin special high-torque AC Chorus electric motors, located in the nosewheel assembly.
Additionally, WheelTug and Delta Air Lines recently made an agreement, under which the airline will assist WheelTug in the development and certification of the system for the Boeing 737NG family.
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