American Eagle to introduce new Miami to Sarasota/Bradenton service

Aug. 15, 2007


A non-stop service between Miami International Airport (MIA) and Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) is to be introduced from 13 December 2007 by American Eagle, the regional affiliate of American Airlines.

American Eagle said it will operate two daily round trips between the two cities, using its 64-seat ATR72 turbo-prop aircraft, connecting the two Florida markets. The service will connect on flights going to Central and South America, the Caribbean and the Bahamas.

The daily schedule for the new service from Miami to Sarasota/Bradenton (MIA-SRQ) includes Flight 4985 which departs 13:50, arrives 15:01 local time; and Flight 4987 which departs 20:00, arrives 21:08 local time.

The daily schedule for the new service from Sarasota/Bradenton to Miami (SRQ-MIA) includes Flight 4988 (effective 14 December) which departs 06:44, arrives 07:45 local time; and Flight 4986, which departs 15:34, arrives 16:35 local time.

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