Scarecrow launches next generation bird dispersal technology; Scarecrow; Scarecrow Bio-acoustic Systems Ltd
Scarecrow Bio-acoustic Systems Ltd, based in Sussex, England, has launched Ultima[TM], a unique Tablet Computer controlled development of its long-established vehicle-based SCARECROW PREMIER bird dispersal system. The company reports that industry feedback has been immediate, with worldwide enquiries received from senior airport operators in India, Pakistan, the US and New Zealand, who have recognised the advanced functionality and benefits offered by Ultima[TM]. Tom Diamond,Scarecrow's Group Commercial Manager explains:
"With Ultima we wanted to solve an age-old problem with new-age technology. The industry is well aware of the shortcomings of various dispersal techniques, and bio-acoustics is cited as a reliable method,ICAO regulations add logging activity to the demand on airfield staff. We wanted to supply a solution that exceeds both demands."
Scarecrow's Ultima[TM] is the result of 18 months of development work and is state-of-the-art, next generation bird dispersal technology with self-learning software, full reporting functions, GPS accuracy, a 21cm touchscreen, and available in multiple languages.
A complete system, it includes roof-mounting loudspeakers, tablet-mounting brackets, a microphone for live announcements and a back-up remote control unit. Hot-pluggable USB flash drives enable data captured to be transferred from the host vehicle to the airfield analysis system for which audit software is provided to prove due diligence and to provide long-term analysis of bird behavioural patterns.
Ultima[TM] establishes proof of dispersal procedures completed in real time, logging operator, species, time and date details: its inbuilt GPS function logs the vehicles' airside position from which dispersal took place. The self-learning software adjusts to suit the operator's needs, and over time it streamlines to the airport of use, remembering which species are in the majority in specific locations. The software never removes control from the operator and provides an airfield bio-acoustic bird dispersal solution with data logging and analysis tools, which meet and exceed current regulatory requirements.
Scarecrow equipment is installed in airports around the world where bird strikes can be fatal to both passengers and aircraft. The company's philosophy is to provide compliant and humane bird dispersal equipment, well researched to the highest technical standard.