US Airways CEO: More fliers = more late flights

Aug. 23, 2007

Aug. 22--Lower fares have meant more travelers at Charlotte's airport, which is one factor in the airport's dismal on-time arrival rate this year, the CEO of US Airways said Wednesday.

Doug Parker traveled from the airline's Arizona headquarters to uptown Charlotte for a raffle to benefit N.C. charities. Before the event, Parker said that lower airfares offered by US Airways this year have helped boost traffic among passengers who live in the Charlotte region.

"A lot more people are beginning and ending their trips in Charlotte," he said. "We're adapting to that."

Three years ago, 83 percent of flights arrived on time at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport -- a rate that was second-best among major U.S. airports. Through June of this year, the rate is 66 percent -- 27th among airports.

Severe storms and computer glitches caused flight delays in February and March, and this summer has brought a record number of passengers on flights.

Along with the airline, security screeners and baggage handlers at the airport are still adjusting to the higher number of local passengers, Parker said.

As for how stalled contracts negotiations between US Airways and its pilots will affect future service, Parker said those negotiations have been going on for a while, and that customer service hasn't suffered yet.

"Our pilots are extremely professional people," he said. "They'll keep taking care of our customers."

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