Full- and part-time positions are available. / span class='leadp'Tulsa International Airport businesses are looking for a few good men and women./span / With job openings at airlines, rental car companies, restaurants and general aviation facilities, representatives of the companies will host a job fair at Tulsa International's passenger terminal from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, officials said. / "This is the first job fair of this kind we've had," said Alexis Higgins, marketing director for the Tulsa Airport Authority. "This job fair is just for airport tenants. Twenty companies will have representatives there." / Full- and part-time positions are available, Higgins said, ranging from janitorial positions to engineering jobs. / Employers participating in the job fair are Alamo Car Rental; American Airlines Maintenance & Engineering Center; American Parking; Atlantic Southeast Airlines; BizJet International; City of Tulsa; Evergreen Aviation; ExpressJet Airlines; Facilities Performance Group; Frontier Airlines/Lynx Aviation; Hilton Garden Inn; HMS Host; International RAM; Mercury Air Center; National Car Rental; Northwest Airlink; Quizno's Subs; Radisson; the Paradies Shops; and Wackenhut. / A spokesman for American Airlines said the company has openings for building cleaners and engineers. / International RAM provides airline ticket-checking services in the passenger terminal's security checkpoints. The company also provides sky-cap services for some airlines. / The city is interviewing for airport safety officers, and engineering and administrative positions, she said. / Facilities Performance Group provides janitorial services for the passenger terminal. / HMS Host is the company operating the passenger terminal restaurants. / "It's difficult for these companies to find workers with Tulsa's unemployment rate as low as it is," Higgins said. "And the airport is open 20 hours a day. We open the security checkpoints at 4:30 a.m." / Bob Ball, economist at the Tulsa Metro Chamber, said Tulsa's unemployment rate of 4.4 percent is the lowest of the state's metro statistical areas. / Oklahoma's unemployment rate is 4.9 percent, Ball said. / "It's a tight market, and companies are scrambling to find people," he said. / Higgins said the airport is hosting the job fair because the companies' performance has an impact on the airport's customers. / "Our focus is on service," she said. "If our tenants are understaffed, then that makes it more difficult for them to provide first-class customer service to airport users. / "By organizing this event, we hope to assist them with their staffing efforts." / / D.R. Stewart 581-8451 / a href='mailTo:[email protected] '[email protected] /