Amarillo, Texas, economic agency votes to buy land in view of airport growth

Sept. 14, 2007

Sep. 12--The Amarillo Economic Development Corp. on Tuesday voted to purchase about 240 acres of land near Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for possible future development.

The corporation's board of directors voted Tuesday to spend $459,000 on the purchase, which is subject to approval by the Amarillo City Commission. The land is being purchased from Dudley Stanley, said AEDC President and CEO Buzz David.

David said the AEDC owns property adjacent to one of the tracts and that the property would be suited for business-related development.

"It will give us some property around the airport particularly when the new interchange is built, the new [airport] entrance is built ... for future industrial development," he said.

The land includes three tracts at different locations east and west of the airport.

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