American Eagle to operate new Memphis-New York route

Sept. 19, 2007


American Airlines has announced that its regional affiliate, American Eagle, is to operate a new route to Memphis, Tennessee from LaGuardia International Airport (LGA) on 13 December.

The new route will reportedly be operated daily with an Embraer 135 jet seating 37 travellers. Flights from New York LaGuardia to Memphis will depart daily at 11:05 and 19.15, arriving in Memphis at 13:15 and 21:20, respectively. The 19:05 service will not operate on Saturdays.

In addition flights from Memphis to New York LaGuardia will depart daily at 06:45 and 13:40, arriving in New York at 10:25 and 16:15, respectively. The 13:40 service will not operate on Sundays.

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