NetJets Transportes Aereos Approved for Extended Range Operations

Oct. 12, 2010
NetJets Europe is allowed to fly its twin engine Gulfstream G550 aircraft 180 minutes flight time from an airport.

">LISBON, Portugal. Oct. 12. NetJets Transportes Aereos, the operating company of NetJets Europe, Europe's leading business aviation company, today announces that it has received approval from Instituto Nacional de Aviacao Civil(INAC), the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority, to conduct Extended Range Operations (EROPS) under commercial rules -- meaning that NetJets Europe is allowed to fly its twin engine Gulfstream G550 aircraft 180 minutes flight time from an airport at any given point along a route. Previously the limit was 120 minutes flight time from an airport.

EROPS will result in more direct routes, less fuel stops, reduced overall fuel burn and a more seamless experience for NetJets Europe's customers. On some long-haul flights, tonnes of fuel and hours of flight-time can be saved -- for example, on a flight from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil to Cape Town in South Africa 2.8 hours of flight time is cut, as well as 12,075 lbs of fuel.

NetJets Transportes Aereos achieved this certification by going through a comprehensive application procedure with INAC, providing five years of historical information including aircraft records, engine records, company safety information and other operational data, all of which demonstrated NetJets sterling record for safe long-haul travel.

NetJets Europe is the first dedicated business jet operator to hold the internationally recognised IATA Operational Safety Audit certificate from the Inte1rnational Air Transport Association - the most highly regarded safety accreditation in the world. It recently announced planned investments of euro 750 million into its safety operations, including staff training and aircraft and maintenance facilities.

Mark Wilson, Chief Operating Officer of NetJets Transportes Aereos, comments: "This is a great achievement by our operations team and highlights our world-leading safety record, credentials and capabilities. With extended range operations, we're now even better equipped to deliver a safe, hassle-free experience to our customers."

About NetJets Europe

NetJets Europe was founded in 1996 and today is the largest business jet company in Europe. As the only pan-European operator with its own fleet, NetJets Europe, through NetJets Transportes Aereos (NTA), is uniquely capable of delivering a consistent, world-class service with an unparalleled commitment to safety and security. NTA was the first business jet operator to be awarded the IOSA certificate, the highest safety accreditation in the world. NetJets Europe employs a total workforce of more than 1,600 and has over 150 aircraft. NetJets Europe is the marketing agent of NetJets Transportes Aereos S.A., an EU air Carrier.

For more information on NetJets Europe and fractional business jet ownership, please visit