T.F. council to consider airport work, museum committee

Jan. 25, 2010


Jan. 25--An airport project, history and grants are on the agenda for the Twin Falls City Council, which meets at 5 p.m. today.

Council members will consider approving a contract with Riedesel Engineering to slurry seal most of the pavement at the Twin Falls airport. According to a staff report, the $490,000 project will largely be covered by grant funds from the Federal Aviation Administration. Most pavements, including the main-ramp aircraft parking areas, taxiways and the crosswind runway, are slurry sealed every four to five years to keep them at acceptable standards.

The contract before the council tonight, including all services, totals $86,242. It did not meet an FAA threshold requiring an independent fee estimate when engineering costs exceed $100,000, according to the report. The same contract will also be before Twin Falls County commissioners at a 10 a.m. meeting today.

The council will also weigh a request from the city's Historic Preservation Committee to create a citizen committee that would look into building a new history museum in Twin Falls.

The Historic Preservation Committee has talked about creating a new museum for several months. The citizen group would gauge public interest and whether another museum is feasible. According to the proposed action plan submitted by the committee, any city museum built would complement the existing Twin Falls County Museum.

The plan suggests organizing the group similar to a museum staff, with such roles as project director, Web design specialist, director of collections and curators for various subject areas such as art, architecture and oral history.

Also on the agenda, the full council will review the recommendation of three council members and a city staff member who handled grant applications to the city. The grants must support the city's mission, vision and strategic focus areas and either address a need that would otherwise fall to city government or enhance an existing city service, among other requirements. Suggested recipients this year include the Municipal Band, Trans IV, the Boys and Girls Club and the Crisis Center of Magic Valley.

The council chambers are at 305 Third Ave. E in Twin Falls. A full agenda is at www.tfid.org.