FAA Suspends Darby Aviation’s Air Carrier Certificate

April 9, 2010

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued an emergency order suspending Darby Aviation’s air carrier certificate until the company demonstrates to the FAA it can conduct operations in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Darby Aviation has failed to produce an acceptable Operations Manual or an approvable training program despite repeated FAA efforts to inform the company of the required changes in those documents. As a result, the company has no accepted Operations Manual or approved training program.

The FAA also has determined that Darby Aviation’s chief pilot and its Director of Operations are not qualified to hold their positions.

The company’s lack of proper operating guidance and its failure to follow basic regulatory requirements has undermined the FAA’s confidence in Darby Aviation’s ability to ensure safe operations.

Based on those considerations, the FAA determined that emergency action was necessary.

“The FAA will not let a carrier continue to operate if it doesn’t meet strict qualifications,” said FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt. “All carriers, no matter what the size, must have approved pilot training programs. Our mission is to keep air travelers safe.”

Darby Aviation may appeal the emergency order within 10 days of receiving the order.