Aug. 27--Last month, 41,435 people flew out of Bellingham International Airport, setting a new monthly record, according to the Port of Bellingham.
It's the first time the Bellingham airport has topped 40,000 passengers in a month. The previous record was 36,743, set in March.
Much of the growth was from Allegiant, which flew 28,355 passengers out of Bellingham in July. Allegiant increased its frequency to several destinations last month, said Art Choat, aviation director for the port.
In September the airport will close for three weeks to repave the runway and widen the taxiway. That should be completed in September. Additional grooving work will be done in October during times that shouldn't interrupt service, Choat said.
Reach DAVE GALLAGHER at [email protected] or call 715-2269. Visit his business blog online at blogs.bellinghamherald.com/business or get updates on Twitter at twitter.com/BhamHeraldBiz.