KANEOHE, Hawaii --
The Marine Corps Base Hawaii will host an air show featuring the Navy's Blue Angels flight team this Saturday and Sunday at the
Kaneohe Bay Airshow featuring Bayfest
Both days will be open to the general public with the gates opening at 9 a.m. The Blue Angels have been putting on shows for the public since 1946 to promote naval aviation.
The show has now been seen by approximately 470 million people, according to Capt. Greg McWherter.
"You'll see us flying as close to as 12 inches apart doing rolls and loops and all the basic maneuvers taught to all Navy Marine Corps aviators," said McWherter.
The Air Force will also be a part of the show. One of the highlights will be the F-22 Raptor, the newest fighter jet in the U.S. Air Force.
"This is the best fighter jet out there with its stealth technology with its advanced systems and sensors and weapons in there. You don't necessarily have to be the fastest. You need to be the best and that's what we have here with the F-22," said Major Dave Skalicky.
The F-22 Raptor costs $140 million.
If you attend the air show, upload your photos of the Blue Angels at
on KITV.com.
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