Frederick Municipal air traffic control tower funding, contract approved

Sept. 30, 2010


Sept. 30--Applause and unanimous approval capped the deal to build an air traffic control tower at Frederick Municipal Airport on Wednesday.

The Board of Aldermen voted 5-0 to accept the $3.4 million contract bid from Warner Construction, and to amend the 2011 general fund budget to accept a $4.8 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration.

"We'll accept 4 million bucks," Mayor Randy McClement said.

The total grant is $4,832,462, said Katie Barkdoll, budget director.

The grant will cover all of Warner's construction costs and the expense of furnishing and equipping the tower with electronics and communications equipment, said Kevin Daugherty, airport manager. The money comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Separate from the grant, the FAA will pay the six to eight controllers who will work in the tower, he said.

Eliminating uncontrolled airspace will increase corporate traffic and other economic benefits, said Alderwoman Carol Krimm.

"What a plus this will be for economic development," she said.

Krimm credited Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin for advocating for the funding. She and other aldermen praised Daugherty for finding grant opportunities and completing the applications and years of work toward the goal.

Staff from the senators' offices attended the workshop, where the plans were finalized.

The tower should be up and running in 16 to 18 months, Daugherty said. Eight bids for the project ranged from $3.4 million to $4.4 million, he said.

Alderwoman Kelly Russell thanked the senators' representatives, city staff and Charlie Abell, former airport manager.

"We're very excited," Russell said.