DuPage Airport Authority to pitch in on Washington lobbyist

Sept. 29, 2011

DuPage County won't need to pay the entirebill for a federal lobbyist next year in Washington, D.C.

County board members on Tuesday approved an intergovernmental agreement that will have the DuPage Airport Authority reimburse the county $40,000 of the total $120,000 cost of hiring BGR Group.

Washington-based BGR has represented DuPage since September 2009. Its latest $120,000 contract with the county runs through the end of August 2012.

The airport in West Chicago has been partnering with DuPage for several years to pay for a lobbyist, according to Jim Healy, chairman of the county board's legislative committee. This year, the county decided to have one federal lobbyist instead of two.

BGR will help the airport seek grants from the Federal Aviation Administration to pay for proposed runway improvements, Healy said.

In addition, BGR will continue to help DuPage find grant opportunities.

"We wanted a company that would help us with the agencies," said Healy, adding that it can find some grant opportunities that aren't advertised. "We can't apply for a grant until we know it exists."

When it comes to lobbying state lawmakers, DuPagerecently approved one-year contracts with three firms.

V.A. Persico Consulting will be paid $60,000 to coordinate DuPage's efforts in Springfield.Vince Persico, a former state legislator and Glen Ellyn-based lobbyist, has represented DuPage since 2003.

The two other state lobbyists, All-Circo, Inc. and McGuire Woods Consulting, are working for the county for the first time.

Chicago-based All-Circo will be paid $120,000 through Sept. 14, 2012.McGuire Woods Consulting, which has represented the DuPage Health Department since 2008, will receive $24,000 from the county through Sept. 14, 2012.

Like the intergovernmental agreement with the airport, Healy said, the McGuire Woods contract is part of a partnership between the county and the health department. Healy said he would like to see DuPage pursue more cost-sharing efforts with other agenciesand counties.