At the Oct. 18 Yavapai County Board of Supervisors meeting in Cottonwood, board members unanimously approved the county's acquisition of a helicopter donated by the Guidance Helicopter School. Sheriff Steve Waugh has been working the last few months with Guidance Helicopter President and CEO John Stonecipher, to facilitate the donation of this craft to YCSO. Guidance is based at the Prescott Airport.
Before the aircraft can fly, a complete overhaul of the Robinson R44 Raven helicopter will be necessary in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations. The cost of such-work, which will take place over the next three to four months, is approximately $250,000. A Robinson R44 helicopter, when new and similarly equipped, costs in excess of $450,000. Waugh believes now is the time to take advantage of Stonecipher's offer especially when funding for the overhaul is immediately available. The money comes from two sources including $100,000 in grant money from the Public Safety Stabilization Program through the Arizona Governor's Office of Economic Recovery, and $150,000 from already secured drug seizure monies.
The helicopter is valued at $ 180,000, making this the single largest donation ever given to YCSO. This particular model from Robinson seats four and is designed specially for flying in high altitude conditions.
The primary use of this helicopter will be to aid in daytime rescue-related incidents throughout Yavapai County. Many times, the Department of Public Safety Ranger helicopter is not available or delayed due to workload and budget restrictions. YCSO will be able to launch this craft exclusively to aid in rescue missions within Yavapai County. Initially, YCSO will contract with Guidance for the use of certified pilots and YCSO will provided specially trained observers assisting as eyes and ears.
Contact the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office with information or questions at (928) 771-3260.