Edmonton International Handled Hundreds of Unscheduled Flights After Wildfire

May 16, 2016
About 12,000 people were evacuated by air from oil sands work camps north of Fort McMurray after a fire broke out on May 5.

Edmonton International Airport handled hundreds of unscheduled flights after a large emergency airlift in Alberta, Canada due to a wildlife outbreak in Fort McMurray.  

About 12,000 people were evacuated by air from oil sands work camps north of Fort McMurray after a fire broke out on May 5. To keep people out by the end of the day, Canadian North and WestJet ran shuttle services between Edmonton and the work campus. Air Canada brought in extra Boeing 777.  

Canadian North has a plane read within hours of the mandatory evacuation, according to the Edmonton Sun. WestJet handled the medical evacuation from Fort McMurray hospital and Air Canada brought in volunteers to staff larger plans.  

Air Canada is also offering partial refunds for Fort McMurray fire evacuees who paid inflated ticket prices, according to a news release.  

"The level of support from airlines has been incredible," Edmonton's Airport Director of Public Affairs Heather Hamilton told the Edmonton Sun.  

Alberta declared a state of emergency as the wildfire continues to grow. 

About the Author

Vesna Brajkovic

Vesna Brajkovic, who grew up around pilots and aviation mechanics, creates digital content for AviationPros.com. She recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. When she's not writing about the aviation industry, you can find her freelancing for MyCommunityNow-Lake Country (USA Today Network). She can be reached at [email protected].