Amid talk of mergers by the majors and government focus on competition, the low-fare carrier grows unchecked
By Darryl Jenkins, Director, The Aviation Institute, George Washington University
October 2000
A study released by George Washington University Aviation Institute director Darryl Jenkins looks at potential airline mergers and concludes that one player, Southwest, is being overlooked in the process. Here’s an edited transcript of the report.
In May of 2000, United Airlines and US
Airways announced plans to merge, triggering extensive public and regulatory
comment about the future of the industry — much of it revolving around
fears of less competition, higher prices, and reduced service. The most
commonly voiced concern is that the merger and subsequent consolidation
will result in three airlines dominating.
This paper examines the airline industry
from an economic perspective: the current competitive state of affairs,
the likely consequences of industry consolidation, and the potential future
of U.S. commercial aviation, whether or not the merger takes place.
The conclusions:
1) The biggest danger from industry consolidation
is the risk that regulators and government officials may be distracted
by merger issues and put important infrastructure and traffic control
issues on the back burner. An outdated air traffic control system and
a shortage of runways and airport gates provide one of the most likely
scenarios for limiting competition and creating higher prices due to congestion.
2) Under any realistic scenario, there will
be at least four big carriers of domestic traffic.
3) The most compeling story of the skies
is Southwest Airlines, whose growth has been under-recognized by regulators
and lawmakers, and under-reported by the media. With up to 290 Boeing
737 planes on order, Southwest will match Delta Airlines as the largest
carrier of domestic traffic within five years, and undoubtedly will (become)
America’s biggest domestic carrier.
4) There is almost no believable turn of
events that could derail Southwest’s expansion.
Airline competition will take on different
characteristics than in the previous decades of deregulation. Doom-and-gloom
predictions about the future of the industry are almost certainly wrong,
because the marketplace is so diverse -- and the state of competition
so healthy -- that there are few scenarios that would result in less competition
over the next 5-10 years.
* * *
Scenario: Three large major airlines develop;
other competition disappears. I consider this least likely.
Under this scenario, Southwest and other
low-fare contenders cease to exist and we have what Congress supposedly
fears most: three large carriers with no low-cost competition.
Each of these carriers has a large network,
and they compete against each other for virtually every city pair. Under
today’s robust economic conditions, the planes are full and the carriers
are fat and happy. If the economy remains at 3-4 percent real growth,
then prices will remain constant. If it is in the 5 and above range, this
will put additional disposable income in consumers’ pockets, which
will increase load factors, putting pressure on airlines to increase prices.
These are the economic pressures that could raise prices.
But what happens when the economy slips
from outstanding to merely good? Load factors drop back to the high 60
percent range, meaning that seats are available on virtually every airline
on every flight (except peak routes during peak hours). Each airline has
more planes than ever, each airline has hefty debt service. The result,
confounding the pundits, is a battle of the giants.
Likelihood: Low.
* * *
Scenario: Mergers produce three network
airlines (United/US Airways, American/Northwest and Delta/Continen-tal).
But other airlines continue to thrive. As politicians, pundits, and analysts
look toward the future of airlines during the summer of 2000, the prediction
of a Big Three airline market is the flavor du jour. I think this scenario
is more likely than the first – but it doesn’t go far enough.
United needs US Airways to become a truly
national carrier. American wants Northwest to obtain the Asia-Pacific
presence that it desperately needs. And if Delta merges with Continental,
it gains a strong New York metro presence with Continen-tal’s hub
in Newark. That also would help feed its flights to Europe from JFK airport.
As the three network carriers emerge and
stimulate traffic in small and mid-size communities, new competitors begin
to discover new sources of growth. Among these entrants is a familiar
name, Southwest, which already has over 400 current flight connections
from almost 60 cities. Because Southwest has the most immediately available
resources, it moves into these markets rapidly. Southwest’s crowns
in the Midwest become Minneapolis-St. Paul and St. Louis.
Most people do not realize that Southwest
is already the number-two carrier of domestic air passengers (behind Delta).
It uses its St. Louis and Chicago-Midway hubs for East-West connecting
routes and its new quasi-hub in Allentown, PA, to capture a large share
of short-haul traffic on the East Coast. It becomes possible to reach
virtually any metropolitan area in the U.S. on Southwest with only one
connection — and, lo and behold, Southwest has become the fourth
network carrier.
Soon the fare war is system-wide. After
each airline has lost millions, fares finally stabilize at a lower level,
providing some profits, and an uneasy cease-fire takes hold.
The fare war is bad news for some small
airlines. Those with high costs like Vanguard and Pro Air (which had little
chance of long-term survival anyway) fade into the sunset. Frontier, AirTran,
ATA, Midwest Express, Spirit, DC Air and some others survive because their
costs are low enough to operate in a low-fare environment. DC Air –
created as a spinoff to serve Washington Reagan National Airport after
the United/US Airways merger – begins to expand. DC Air buys a new
fleet of planes and uses its gates at Washington Reagan National to fly
all over the East Coast.
Nonetheless, these smaller carriers begin
their own consolidation, primarily for defensive purposes. They begin
pressuring politicians and regulators for greater access to gates and
takeoff/landing slots, which will require expansion of airports. This
triggers "talk wars" across the nation, as "not in my backyard"
citizens try to block construction.
Once the dust settles (literally and metaphorically)
the result is more competition from big airlines and once-small airlines
that have metamorphosed into larger airlines.
Assumptions: This scenario of cutthroat
competition is a direct result of the mergers being approved. History
tells us that when the major airlines enter new markets against other
majors, there is always bloodletting. For unexplained reasons, neither
regulators nor politicians currently consider South-west to be a "major"
airline, and regularly ignore its plans for growth and the subsequent
effect on the industry. This is one of the most amusing non-events in
* * *
Scenario: United and US Airways merge, and
immediately try to drive Southwest out of business by lowering prices.
This scenario is irresistible to the media
because of its "David vs. Goliath" implications. Unfortunately
for Holly-wood, it’s highly unlikely.
* * *
Scenario: The same three major network carriers
emerge, joined by two major low-cost carriers: Southwest, and a fresh
face: JetBlue.
Spurred on by the competitive thrust of
Southwest into areas where it had previously planned its own expansion,
start-up carrier JetBlue uses creative financing to buy more new planes
from Airbus. The result: On the East Coast, JetBlue and Southwest fight
for every available passenger, and at the end of five years, carry a big
chunk of domestic short-haul traffic.
What does this do to the major airlines?
The length of their average flight segment increases and they concentrate
on longer-haul and international traffic.
As demand grows, the East Coast runs into
capacity constraints. BWI and Dulles airports become the dominant low-cost
carrier hubs. Newark and the other New York airports also exceed capacity,
leaving Southwest’s outpost on Long Island as the only area network
with room to expand.
Southwest begins to look for additional
cities on the East Coast to serve, such as Allentown, PA. Southwest also
decides to use some of its fleet for international traffic, beginning
with Canada and Mexico, including prime leisure spots like Cancun.
Consequently, cities like Hartford emerge
as new mini-hubs because they are the only airports with the ability to
add flights. Atlantic Coast Airlines, with its existing connections to
two major airlines and a fleet of regional jets, takes advantage of the
situation and begins flying into more communities. The result is a low-cost
competitor offering high levels of convenience, especially for suburban
Assumptions: The advantage of this scenario,
in the realism department, is that it doesn’t matter whether the
big network airlines do, or don’t, merge. Southwest and JetBlue are
likely to expand on the East Coast regardless of what the other carriers
do, and change the face of competition. The capacity problem will be the
defining problem on the East Coast.
* * *
Scenario: An economic downturn reduces passenger
traffic at the same time OPEC hikes oil prices, making jet fuel more expensive.
It is the early 1990’s all over again:
a slumping economy combined with a spike in oil prices. The effects on
the nation’s karma are profound as members of Generations X and Y
— who have never seen a recession —encounter layoffs for the
first time.
Recreational travel and four-day ski weekends
disappear, and the airlines (whether the Big 7, the Big 4, the Big 3 or
the Little 15, depending on merger outcomes) cut fares desperately to
attract passengers, losing money.
Older planes like 727s are retired. So are
turboprops, which are fuel-efficient but otherwise costly to operate,
resulting in a loss of service to smaller cities. The big network carriers
are hurt, but survive, because they have large cash reserves. JetBlue
and Southwest suffer less because their costs are so low; at worst, they
postpone delivery of a few planes. US Airways, with its high costs, old
planes, and lack of regional jets, is hit hardest.
Assumptions: For those of us who have observed
the airline business for many years, this is potentially a very real scenario.
* * *
Scenario: Smaller national airlines emerge
– and merge – to join the fray.
Assumptions: I believe, and so do many other
observers, that this rise-of-the-small-airlines scenario will happen sooner
or later. The big question in this particular scenario is when is America
West going to grow up and begin to act as an adult airline?
* * *
Scenario: The merger does not go through,
leaving US Airways on its own.
The result: a weakened US Airways. It limps
along (much like TWA does today, as a regional carrier that flies a couple
of international routes) or runs into a cash crunch in the next recession
and closes its doors.
Assumptions: As US Airways retreats ...
some smaller communities that currently receive air service solely because
they feed US Airways hubs are likely to lose service entirely. This gloomy
scenario for a stand-alone US Airways is highly realistic.
* * *
Scenario: The merger does not go through,
and US Airways eventually goes out of business.
Likelihood: US Airways has been fortunate
to have survived this long. The robust economy has saved it for the time
being, and the airline is sitting on a pile of cash. However, US Airways
still lacks a long-term viable strategy and its costs are very high.
* * *
Scenario: Any and all mergers are approved,
but Congress decides to let overseas airlines join the fray by entering
the U.S. marketplace.
The result is that U.S. and foreign airlines
operate freely in all countries. U.S. airlines thrive in Europe because
they are much more efficient. A few foreign carriers also find happiness
in U.S. markets
Assumptions: This scenario is unlikely because
of opposition from U.S. unions, the State Department, and European governments.
* * *
Scenario: Southwest becomes the largest
carrier of domestic traffic.
I believe this scenario is the most likely
outcome for America’s airline industry in the next decade.
* * *
Scenario: Gridlock
If the nation’s airways and skies become
so crowded that we cannot put enough planes in the air to satisfy demand,
the result will be gridlock. If gridlock occurs, the only mechanism that
can reduce demand to match supply will be pricing.
The ’Southwest Effect’
• People are willing to drive
to an airport up to two hours away to save money on a Southwest
flight — automobiles, in effect, become a "feeder"
for Southwest, allowing it to create virtual hubs.
• Southwest serves, in essence,
over 90 percent of the domestic population.
• Southwest’s revenues and
profits are steadily increasing. Its operating margin of 21.5 percent
in the second quarter of 2000 was its best since 1980, according
to Merrill Lynch. The company raised its fares four times since
the second quarter of 1999 and still achieved a load factor of almost
75 percent in the most recent quarter.
• Southwest’s planned growth
of 8 to 12 percent annually is likely to continue, given its recent
plane purchases (in the next 10 years, the size of Southwest’s
fleet will double, with up to 290 new planes on order). As its network
expands to include more major metropolitan areas, the ability of
long-haul passengers to fly on Southwest for their entire trip will
• Southwest will enter one or
more new major markets annually for the next five years (and) will
dominate short-haul traffic on the East Coast, with plenty of feeder
traffic into the Midwest and West Coast.
Player to Watch: JetBlue
As if competition from Southwest were not enough, the majors also
must look over their shoulders at JetBlue. Although a new startup,
it has the advantages of adequate gate space at New York’s
JFK and a pipeline to brand new planes from Airbus. If JetBlue can
avoid the pitfalls that often plague start-up airlines, it could
quickly become a factor along the East Coast and beyond.
JetBlue seems to be doing a good job
of selecting routes and filling planes and is in the strongest financial
shape of any start-up airline. It also is flying into regions that
will result in head-to-head competition with US Airways — ominous
news for that airline if its merger with United is not approved.