2005 Salary Survey

Aug. 8, 2005
The results from our 2005 salary survey are in.

The results from our 2005 salary survey are in. We want to thank everyone who participated in this year’s survey. Because of your participation, we are able to document aircraft maintenance compensation trends in our industry.

As we did last year, we sent out our surveys via e-mail. If you did not receive a survey, you are probably not registered with us. If you would like to receive next year’s survey as well as other products from AMT like our monthly AMTe Newsletter that offers online feature articles, products, news, and upcoming events, be sure log on to www.AMTonline.com and go to eNewsletter sign up.

This year we wanted to know “What would you recommend to someone wishing to advance in an aircraft maintenance career?” Be sure to turn to page 34 to see some of the responses we received to that salary survey question. AMT

Northwest Mountain
2003 2004 2005
GA $22.78 $26.61 $21.23
Corporate $28.33 $32.72 $28.54
Regional * $25.76 $26.30
Air Carrier $20.67 $29.89 $23.23
Helicopter * $27.14 $25.83
Avionics * $27.96 *
Great Lakes
2003 2004 2005
GA $19.88 $27.07 $22.64
Corporate $27.20 $32.96 $30.44
Regional $19.43 $23.88 $19.68
Air Carrier $26.90 $29.63 $27.08
Helicopter * $23.99 $30.70
Avionics $19.25 $25.83 *
2003 2004 2005
GA $19.60 $21.68 $19.75
Corporate $28.92 $32.00 $36.02
Regional $25.28 $21.34 $22.10
Air Carrier $28.17 $29.54 $31.29
Helicopter $21.50 $27.38 $30.15
Avionics * $29.26 $24.26
New England
2003 2004 2005
GA * $23.69 $19.37
Corporate * $35.61 $42.46
Regional $17.33 $20.13 $22.06
Air Carrier $27.38 $32.04 $38.30
Helicopter * $23.88 $24.73
Avionics * $23.50 *
Western Pacific
2003 2004 2005
GA $29.30 $23.51 $26.02
Corporate * $30.51 $35.14
Regional * $25.92 $24.67
Air Carrier $39.25 $29.73 $29.81
Helicopter $15.83 $27.09 $27.77
Avionics * $27.32 $31.23
2003 2004 2005
GA * $27.16 $22.00
Corporate * $33.49 $34.39
Regional * $23.14 $20.53
Air Carrier * $29.54 $28.86
Helicopter * $28.51 $28.63
Avionics * $21.31 $30.19
2003 2004 2005
GA $22.37 $22.95 $23.99
Corporate $33.04 $25.69 $29.60
Regional * $22.93 $21.92
Air Carrier $37.33 $30.09 $31.62
Helicopter $36.60 $27.32 $21.74
Avionics $32.60 $24.68 $31.00
2003 2004 2005
GA $17.99 $23.02 $24.01
Corporate $28.33 $27.12 $34.39
Regional $31.00 $24.71 $23.10
Air Carrier $27.97 $30.69 $30.26
Helicopter $24.29 $25.20 $24.76
Avionics $26.17 $26.85 $31.12