Editor's Viewpoint

Aug. 23, 2006
Welcome to the eighth annual Maximizing Your Career Choice issue.

Welcome to the eighth annual Maximizing Your Career Choice issue. In this issue, we take a slight detour from our usual lineup of technical and regulatory editorial to focus more specifically on issues that can help you get the most out of your career. This year we have a variety of articles from online college degrees to job interviews and memory skills. Whether you are looking to move up within your company or land that dream job, we offer some tips to help you reach your goals and get the most out of your career.

For those that have been reading the magazine for a while, you probably know that we publish the results of our annual salary survey in this issue. This year, we did things a little differently with the salary survey. OK, I guess you can say we did things a lot differently.

Basically, we didn’t send any surveys out. We didn’t tabulate the results, and we don’t have any information from any salary survey we did in this issue. Yet, you can turn to page eight to see the latest salary information for aircraft maintenance professionals.

So you may be asking yourself right about now “How the heck can they publish salary information without having conducted any sort of survey?” Well, the answer is quite simple. This year we decided to team up with AvJobs.com for our salary information.

You see, one of the things that bothered me in the past was that our salary survey was not scientific. In some instances, we had so few responses from some geographical areas that we couldn’t print any results because the information wasn’t a good indication of the actual average salaries.

Then you had the case of some mechanic that would approach his boss and tell him “According to AMT, I should be making this much money. Either give me a pay raise or I quit!” Trust me, we got quite a few calls from employers last year sharing similar stories.

So, with our new partnership with AvJobs.com, we are able to give you a snapshot of the latest salary results for aircraft maintenance professionals. It’s a win-win for everyone. You get more accurate, up-to-date information, and we the editorial staff spend less time piled over hundreds of surveys trying to disseminate the information. Let us know what you think!

Thanks for reading, and we always appreciate your feedback!

About the Author

Joe Escobar