A.C.E.S., Inc. (Airport & Commercial Equipment Suppliers, Inc.)

Coral Springs, FL 33065


About A.C.E.S., Inc. (Airport & Commercial Equipment Suppliers, Inc.)

NEW JetBridge Products

Product Summary

Airport GSE Equipment, Seaport Equipment, Traffic Calming and Surveillance Equipment.


3700 N.W. 124th Avenue
Suite 132
Coral Springs, FL 33065

More Info on A.C.E.S., Inc. (Airport & Commercial Equipment Suppliers, Inc.)

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Airport GSE manufacturer and supplier.

Intelligent JetBridge Safety Shoe (iJSS) for aircraft door protection, instantly provides JetBridge/PBB-Down activation & report Safety Shoe sensor contact by aircraft door, via SMS (text) to key personnel, when the PBB is in Auto Leveler mode & an aircraft at the gate.  It logs status & can also alert to other high-value gate status via additional inputs.  The iJSS design accommodates newer & older PBBs.

JetBridge Crosshair Alignment Device (JCAD) Aadd-on to a JetBridge or Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) used to assist operators with its docking to the aircraft.  Timing of aircraft deplane procedures are shortened while improving safety to passengers and Aircraft doors. 

Products and Press Releases

JetBridge Crosshair Alignment Device (JCAD)
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

JetBridge Crosshair Alignment Device (JCAD)

Dec. 16, 2022
The JetBridge Crosshair Alignment Device (JCAD), an add-on to a jet bridge or passenger boarding bridge (PBB), is used to assist operators with its docking to the aircraft. Timing...
Airport & Commercial Equipment Suppliers Inc.
Intelligent JetBridge Safety-Shoe
Safety Equipment

Intelligent JetBridge Safety Shoe

Dec. 8, 2022
The Intelligent JetBridge Safety Shoe (iJSS) is used to protect open aircraft doors from contact with the floor of the jet bridge/PBB (passenger boarding bridge) or other servicing...

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