XOPS Smart Dispatching and XOPS Intelligent Speed Assist

Aug. 11, 2022
Xops Logo 62f40e1bcedb7

XOPS Smart Dispatching provides ground handlers the ability to automate scheduling of daily aircraft turnaround tasks or missions to achieve greater efficiency, productivity and on-time performance. Using profile of tasks, GSE, human resources and airline/aircraft requirements, XOPS software algorithms automatically manage assignment of GSE and drivers/operators to meet task timelines/SLAs while optimizing staff and vehicle utilization. XOPS Intelligent Speed Assist ensures that GSE will automatically and safely reduce speed levels to the required limits (e.g. baggage tractor in a baggage hall) without any driver action. All XOPS functionality is displayed on digital screens for monitoring, and alarm management. In addition to new advanced XOPS features, Resonate MP4, which leads the development of XOPS, will announce its partnership with SmartWitness/Sensata Technologies to deliver integrated in-vehicle XOPS CCTV offering. The user experience is a seamless, one touch, telemetry data and video incident analysis capability with defined and controllable costs.

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