Ground Support by the Numbers: GSE Purchases Influenced by Training Costs

June 21, 2017
Having the best equipment for a ground handling operation is crucial. But using that equipment correctly is also vital for success.

Having the best equipment for a ground handling operation is crucial. But using that equipment correctly is also vital for success.

When do training costs associated with ground support equipment influence purchasing decisions?

The answer, according to a recent purchasing study conducted by Ground Support Worldwide, seems to be varied.

When probed on the topic, 35 percent of those surveyed said additional training cost have an effect on which ground support equipment is purchased some of the time; 33 percent said training cost does have an effect on GSE purchases; and 31 percent said training costs does not have an effect on GSE purchases.

Do you find training cost have an effect on the way you decide to purchase GSE? Comment below and explain why or why not.