UASL Announces Hermes NG BI Module for Cargo Handling

July 8, 2019
UASL has confirmed it will be the first global company to implement the NG Business Intelligence module upon the completion of final testing.

Hermes NG Business Intelligence (BI) module has been confirmed as the cargo management ecosystem of choice for ground handler UASL of the Ultramar Group. Based in Chile, UASL will utilize the Cloud-hosted pay-as-you-go platform with a focus on handling efficiencies to better meet service requirements outlined by Customs for Santiago Airport (SLC).

“BI generates smart data, not just data, and the app’s in-built event reporting means users can look into when, where and why issues like bottle-necks arise, at any point in the cargo handling process,” said Alex Labonne, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Hermes. “This event-based data can then be used to make informed and targeted operations level decisions that improve both efficiency and reporting.”

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