Big Shoes to Fill

Feb. 17, 2022
Our plan to pick up Missy’s torch and carry it forward.
Headshot Bill Baumann 61fa9ba916219

When I joined the Endeavor Aviation team last year, I was in the comfortable position of working alongside an industry icon.

Someone who has grown to the level very few ever achieve. Being loved, respected and being known, universally, by a single name – Missy. I’m not even sure if people know that she even has a sir name – Zingsheim.

In an industry where personal relationships and longevity are paramount, Missy Zingsheim has thrived, growing her reputation and the Ground Support Worldwide, Airport Business, Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AMT) and brands into media leaders of the markets they serve. 

As she takes on her new role as vice president of sales operations here at Endeavor Business Media, I’ve been asking myself a question. How are we going to fill those shoes?

My plan is to pick up the torch and carry it forward.

While I’m relatively new to the aviation space, I’ve worked in a number of related industries, and they all seem to share common challenges that revolve around three things -- people, infrastructure and technology. 

From everyone I’ve spoken to over the past few months, these are the major pillars the aviation businesses will be trying to solve for over the coming years.  As a media company, we are committed to addressing these challenges in the pages of our magazines, our websites, our live and virtual events, podcasts, videos and any other platform that becomes relevant to you.

Our commitment to you is that we will continue to do everything we can to provide you with the most timely, useful and insightful information. 

In return, I would ask one favor of you all. Let’s connect. Let me know what you like or don’t like about our coverage. What could we do more of?  Are there things we don’t need to do anymore?

Let me know what information you need to make your job easier and your organization more successful.

I look forward to meeting up with you at a trade show, conference or other event in the coming months. You can also reach out to me at [email protected] and connect with me on Linkedin –

Let me know how we’re doing.

About the Author

Bill Baumann | Group Publisher

Bill Baumann is group publisher of the Endeavor Aviation Group, including Airport Business, Aircraft Maintenance Technology, Ground Support Worldwide and