Labor Group Speaks Out Against Philippines President

April 30, 2018
The ALU-TUCP's Alan Tanjusay also noted that workers lost their livelihood when President Rodrigo Duterte separately terminated the airport contract of Miascor ground handling services and closed down Boracay island for a six-month rehabilitation.

MANILA -- President Rodrigo Duterte should redeem himself over his alleged failure to stop "end of contract" or endo, the Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (ALU-TUCP) said ahead of Labor Day. 

Duterte will no longer issue an executive order against 'endo' in favor of legislation at the Senate, which he will certify as a priority, ALU-TUCP spokesperson Alan Tanjusay said Sunday, citing the statement of Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III earlier this month.

Tanjusay also noted that thousands of workers lost their livelihood when Duterte separately terminated the airport contract of Miascor ground handling services and closed down Boracay island for a 6-month rehabilitation.

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