DFW Airport Contractor Faces Religious Discrimination Claims from Muslim Workers
A former employee of a contractor at DFW International Airport is accusing the company of firing her when she complained about the mistreatment of Muslim workers, according to a complaint filed with the Equal Opportunity Commission.
The complaint from Rola Abunasser, who worked for Prospect Airport Services for six months before being fired in May 2022, is the focal point for a Dallas lawyer’s claims of broader religious discrimination against Muslim workers. She filed it on Oct. 12.
“When it came to the way I was treated, there was no one there to help me so I spoke up,” said Abunasser, whose job was to assist unaccompanied children. “They silenced me when they fired me.”
Two men still employed by Prospect also intend to file similar EEOC complaints, said Omar El-Halwagi, founder of The Anti-Discrimination Attorney, who is representing Abunasser and the two men. He declined to provide a copy of the complaint filed with the EEOC.
Prospect, a Chicago-based contractor that provides ticket and gate agents, baggage handlers and wheelchair assistants at the airport, did not respond to a request for comment by phone or email.
El-Halwagi spoke at a news conference Thursday at the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization. Abunasser originally went to CAIR with her complaints and the organization referred her to El-Halwagi.
El-Halwagi said he sent a letter to the company detailing the allegations on Thursday.
“It has become increasingly clear that there is an environment of hostility toward Muslim employees at Prospect Airport Services,” he said.
Examples of that hostility include Muslim employees not being permitted to attend required Friday prayer services or take a break at sunset during Ramadan so they can break their 16-hour fast, El-Halwagi said.
El-Halwagi said at least three Prospect managers were involved in the alleged discrimination.
As evidence, Abunasser took a photo of a notice the company hung up that said an unauthorized absence on May 1, 2 or 3 would result in “strict disciplinary action.” The dates were during Eid al-Fitr, the three-day Muslim holiday.
“In case there was any confusion on who they wanted to communicate this to, it was translated in Arabic at the bottom,” El-Halwagi said.
The threatening language violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination, he said.
Nahela Morales, a board member for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said she’s appalled by the allegations.
“It is really disheartening to see this type of discrimination happening at an airport that I frequently travel from and to,” she said.
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