Contract Workers at Logan Airport Vote to Strike

Feb. 5, 2018
Contract workers for JetBlue Airways and other airlines at Logan Airport have voted to authorize a strike, which could pull 500 baggage handlers, wheelchair attendants, cabin cleaners, and skycaps off the job within the next week.

Contract workers for JetBlue Airways and other airlines at Logan Airport have voted to authorize a strike, which could pull 500 baggage handlers, wheelchair attendants, cabin cleaners, and skycaps off the job within the next week. The workers, who are employed by ReadyJet and Flight Services & Systems, known as FSS, say they have been targeted and threatened for union organizing as they continue their six-year effort to become part of 32BJ Service Employees International Union.

The strike would involve about a third of the subcontracted workforce at Logan, making it one of the largest actions at the airport in recent years, according to the union.

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