Congresswoman Says LAX Should Not Contract With Menzies

Aug. 25, 2014
Cal/OSHA fined Menzies after investigators determined the company’s safety policies for tow tractors, did not require and, in fact, discouraged the use of seat belts in certain areas of the airport.

South Bay Rep. Maxine Waters said Friday that Los Angeles World Airports should not do business with cargo-handling company Menzies Aviation, which was fined $77,250 this week for safety violations that contributed to a worker’s death.

“We cannot continue to allow companies like Menzies to operate in an unsafe manner at LAX, putting both workers and passengers at risk,” the veteran Democrat said in a statement. “The traveling public and employees that work at LAX deserve better. Airport workers should be able to do their jobs without the fear of losing their lives.”

For details here.