Matheson Flight Extenders Hires 77 New Employees At Four Key Locations
SAN ANTONIO, May 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Mark Matheson, CEO of Matheson Trucking, Inc., announced today that the firm's Matheson Flight Extenders Division (MFE) is hiring 77 new employees to staff positions at four newly acquired markets across the nation resulting in an overall staffing increase of 15% in just five months. The announcement came during the CNS Partners Conference being held here.
"Our employees are the backbone of our business and a key reason for our success. We hire the best people we can find with experience in handling high priority mail and packages quickly and efficient within time-sensitive deadlines to meet our client's needs," Mr. Matheson said. "The company's continued growth is a testament to their dedication to providing value-added service day after day, and especially during peak times, contributing to our firm's on-time performance rating of more than 99%."
MFE added 34 new employees at its Sacramento, CA, station last December following the acquisition of this market from Evergreen EAGLE Aviation. The division is now hiring seven workers at its Charleston, West Virginia, location; 12 at Tulsa, Oklahoma, and 25 at its Orlando, Florida operations center recently obtained through the government bidding process. Many of those hired will have worked for the previous vender in each of these key markets. MFE now has 20 locations in major metropolitan areas coast to coast and in Alaska and a combined total of 558 employees.
"During the past high volume holiday period, we increased our staff temporarily at our Salt Lake City peak volume-handling hub by adding 150 seasonal employees to help process mail and parcels during the Christmas rush," said Glen Gates, president of Matheson Flight Extenders. "We are also actively acquiring additional commercial clients in and around our hub cities to take advantage of our excess capacity and with a desire to increase both package handling, transport and maintenance support for other carriers and shippers."
Established in 1972, Matheson Flight Extenders (MFE) provides a comprehensive range of ground support and terminal handling services to its customers. MFE has 558 employees, access to a fleet of 227 company owned and operated trucks and 542 pieces of GSE and package handling equipment serviced regularly at the company's network of 8 wholly-owned fleet maintenance shops located in California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Washington State. MFE has secure on and off-airport operations in 20 major U.S. hub cities, including Albuquerque, Anchorage, Billings, Boise, Charleston, Cincinnati, Denver, Great Falls, Las Vegas, Louisville, Orlando, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Sioux Falls, Spokane, Tucson and Tulsa. For additional information, go to or visit, website for Matheson Trucking, Inc.
SOURCE Matheson Flight Extenders