WV: MRB Files $50K Lawsuit Against Its Primary Support Services Provider

June 6, 2018

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport has filed a lawsuit against the primary provider of support services to the general-aviation airfield, claiming the company owes more than $50,000 in unpaid rent.

Filed May 18 in Berkeley County (W.Va.) Circuit Court, the airport's lawsuit against Aero-Smith Inc., the airfield's fixed-base operator, seeks a $50,278.95 judgment with interest in an order terminating the company's lease and operating agreement with the airport and payment for legal expenses incurred by the airport due to the legal action.

Read more: https://www.heraldmailmedia.com/news/tri_state/west_virginia/w-va-airport-files-k-lawsuit-against-its-primary-support/article_5851a8a6-db0f-5117-ad92-a755da16d4c0.html