NH: Company Wants to Train Commercial Drone Pilots at Concord Airport

March 26, 2018

A company that trains corporate and government clients to operate drones wants to set up shop at the Concord Municipal Airport to help figure out how unmanned vehicles can work alongside piloted aircraft. If the plan goes through, this would be one of the first such operations in the country.

ArgenTech Solutions, a nine-year-old firm based in Newmarket with operations overseas, has received permission from the city council to rent out a portion of one hangar, both to house drones and to set up a training facility. It still needs permission from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly drones inside the airport’s controlled airspace.

“It’s an emerging technology, and we’d love to be at the front of it,” said David Rolla, who manages the airport for Concord Aviation Systems, which leases the airport from the city.

Read more: http://www.concordmonitor.com/drones-concord-nh-airport-tenant-16350540