May 03--Bids for a proposed eight-bay tee hangar building for the Jamestown Regional Airport came in about where expected, close enough for the Jamestown Regional Airport Authority to support the "intent" of moving forward with the project Friday.
The authority approved a motion 6-0, with member Wayne Mathson absent, to show its intent to go forward with this project.
Four bids for the eight-bay tee hangar building ranged from a low of $535,225 from Schumacher Construction, Jamestown, to a high of $607,000 from Strong Hold Building & Supply of Fort Pierce, S.D.
The authority has not decided how it will pay for the new hangar building. Airport Manager Matthew Leitner was assigned the task of providing information on which financing method would best suit the authority. The authority has narrowed the financing choices to either a loan through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's rural loan program, or seeking a bond through the North Dakota Public Finance Authority.
Chairman Jim Boyd said both financing methods will be explained in detail at the authority's May 21 regular meeting. If the authority approves a funding method and awards a bid, construction would have to be completed by Dec. 31.
The authority held a special meeting Friday to review the hangar bids and also to let the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission know what direction the authority was taking on the project. The Aeronautics Commission will approve the list of projects taking place at airports around the state on Wednesday. Boyd said the authority wanted to have the hangar project on that list, even though the state is not providing any funds for the project.
In other business, the authority approved the low bid of $146,430 from Roadway Services Inc., Fargo, for crack sealing and pavement remarking of the main airport runway. The work will be done once the weather gets warm enough for paving work to begin.
The authority also approved a lease agreement with SkyWest Airlines Inc., for exclusive use of the ticket counter, manager's office and operations room with an annual cost of $37,913. SkyWest will pay $63,526 annual for joint use of the cargo room, sterile/vestibule area and the baggage carrousel. The lease runs from June 4 to June 30, 2016. Jet service will begin on June 5 between Denver, Jamestown and Devils Lake.
Sun reporter Chris Olson can be reached at 701-952-8454 or by email at [email protected]
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