2017 Airport Business Top 40 Under 40: Kelly L. Dockrell

Nov. 3, 2017

Kelly Dockrell
Director of Sales, Aviation/Aerospace, Stevens Global Logistics
AGE: 32

  • Alma Mater: Florida International University
  • What is your dream job? To have international position that allows me to travel around the world.
  • What person has impacted your career the most? My career and where I am now is all because God.
  • If I could visit any airport in the world, it would be: Spin a globe! I’d go anywhere!
  • If I could have dinner with anyone living or dead: Jesus

At the tender age of 32, Kelly Dockrell already has more than 10 years of experience in the aviation/aerospace industry, specifically on the handling of logistics and transportation of aircraft commodities. Over the years, she has worked on building relationships at all levels of the industry by attending shows, conferences and local organizations, including the Greater Miami Aviation Association, the DFW Aviation Society, ISTAT, Chi-Stat, MRO Conferences, the Delta and Pratt & Whitney golf tournaments, and many others.

Working hard to expand her industry knowledge and relationships, Dockrell quickly moved up to a position that oversees the vertical sector for aviation/aerospace. With this niche, she grew business all over the world, handling the shipping of whole engines, parts and tooling. She also brought on customers from all parts of the industry, including major airlines, MROs, OEMs, leasing companies and brokers.

Dockrell has been a Big Brothers Big Sisters of America volunteer since 2012 and celebrated her five-year anniversary of being a mentor to her two little sisters. She works as an advocate for the organization and continues to promote the program for volunteers and donations. 

Philanthropy and mentoring today’s youth is a very strong passion for Dockrell, who continues to find ways to inspire young woman to pursue a career in aviation.

The best part of the job for Dockrell is the people. “Aviation is a family. There too few places in the world where you don’t know someone in the fraternity,” she said. Her biggest carrier is being a woman in the industry, bue she continues to excel and succeed.

The opportunity to travel and see new places is her favorite part of being in the aviation industry, said Dockrell. “Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to travel and engage with people all over the world?”

In a presentation to students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dockrell told them that being persistent was the best career advice she ever received. “You have to show up and network. When I decided to pursue a career in aviation, I realized it was a fraternity,” she said. “You have to be accepted by the aviation community if you’re an outsider, so just show up to things you can get to.”


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