The National Flight Academy’s adventure begins on a landlocked, virtual aircraft carrier, AMBITION (CVT-11). Students live aboard for six days surrounded by advanced technology, flight simulators and virtual reality missions that ignite imagination and encourage learning. The participating students join other candidates from around the country in cruises of up to 126 individuals fully chaperoned by trained NFA educators to ensure they get the maximum benefit from this unique, fun and innovative learning environment. While aboard, they will participate in activities that demonstrate the practical use of STEM skills and also gain valuable leadership and teamwork experience.
“As one of the members of the Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley aviation business community and a long-term business in the community, Continental Motors® is proud to join our fellow businesses to participate in demonstrating the value of STEM to our future workers,” said Rhett Ross, President and CEO of Continental Motors Group™. “This partnership allows our aviation business community to work together to inspire and engage students in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics with a goal of promoting workforce development.”
Using a competitive application process, the Brookley Aeroplex sponsors along with representatives from B.C. Rain High School and the Alabama School of Math and Science both of Mobile, Alabama will identify participating children in 10th through 11th grade. In addition, the Brookley Aeroplex STEM Initiative incorporates facility tours and job shadowing of participating companies. Students will gain real-world skills and hands-on learning experiences while developing 21st-century skills needed for success. The goal is to show students that good job skills lead to well-paying jobs at all levels of the education ladder, not just college.
Click for information regarding the National Flight Academy $50K Sponsorship from Brookley Aeroplex Companies
AVIC International Holding Corporation was set up in 1979, with majority shares owned by Aviation Industries of China (AVIC). Headquartered in Beijing, the whole assets of AVIC International are up to 250 billion RMB. The company has over 80,000 employees across 400 subsidiaries and is located in over 50 countries, has 8 list companies. AVIC International is a well-diversified company, with holdings in International Civil Aviation, Trade & Logistics, Retail & High-end Consumables, Real Estate and Hotel Management, Electronics Manufacturing, and Natural Resource Development. More information can be found at
Continental Motors Group, Ltd. of Hong Kong, China is a subsidiary of AVIC International Holding Corporation of Beijing, China. Its mission is to provide advanced gasoline and diesel (jet fuel) piston engine products, spare parts, engine and aircraft services, avionics equipment and repairs as well as pilot training for the general aviation marketplace. Continental is an international operation employing approximately 450 team members in Mobile and Baldwin counties, Alabama, USA; 200 team members in St. Egidien, Germany; and 8 team members in Beijing, China. More information can be found at