Klein: House FAA Bill Passage is Welcome Development, More Work Ahead

April 30, 2018

WASHINGTON – Christian A. Klein, executive vice president of the Aeronautical Repair Station Association, issued the following statement in response to House passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 4). The bill, which passed on a 393-13 vote, would extend the agency’s funding authority into 2023.

“The passage of this important legislation after years of delay is a welcome development. ARSA has long been urging Congress to ensure the FAA has the resources it needs to oversee the industry as efficiently and effectively as possible. We’re pleased that several of the association’s priorities are part of the final House bill, including language directing the Government Accountability Office [GAO] to examine aviation maintenance industry workforce issues and adding maintenance to the stakeholders included on the agency’s new Safety Oversight and Certification Advisory Committee. At the same time, we're disappointed that some of our priority issues – including establishing a new aviation maintenance workforce training grant program, directing the FAA’s Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee to examine ways to improve repairman certificates and restoring the right to voluntarily surrender repair station certificates – were not included in the House legislation.  We look forward to continuing to work with our allies in both the House and Senate to ensure that those priorities are added as Congress works out its final bill and enacting it into law as quickly as possible.”