Oppose Airline Efforts to Control ATC System

April 24, 2018
Contact Congress now and let them know you are opposed to creation of the Aerospace Management Advisory Council in Section 5 of the manager’s amendment.

Though a last minute amendment to the FAA Reauthorization bill (H.R. 4) being considered in the U.S. House, Chairman Shuster and the big airlines are seeking to create an advisory council that will effectively control our nation’s air traffic control (ATC) system. This is nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt to give control of the system to the big airlines and we must take action today.

The House will consider H.R. 4 tomorrow, so please contact Congress now and let them know you are opposed to creation of the Aerospace Management Advisory Council in Section 5 of the manager’s amendment.

Our major concerns with the Advisory Council are:

It would operate outside of public view and not be subject to Federal Advisory Committee Act which is designed to provide public transparency.

Like the proposed privatized ATC board, airline-related interests would dominate the Advisory Council.

Instead of advancing ATC modernization, this Advisory Council creates unnecessary bureaucracy that will disrupt progress on NextGen.