Orlando, FL, Oct. 21, 2014 – The vital role that business aviation plays in providing flexible, secure, on-demand transportation and enhancing the competitiveness of companies of all sizes will be highlighted through a new initiative launched this week at the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA2014).
At the No Plane No Gain Media Kickoff Breakfast on Oct. 21 – presented by No Plane No Gain advocacy campaign co-founders the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) – NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen announced a new lineup of “Business Leaders on Business Aviation” as part of the campaign, in which a record number of chief executives from companies of all sizes, from all across the country, show their support for business aviation and the value it brings to their organizations.
The campaign is a follow up to the successful “Top Ten” initiative launched at last year’s convention in Las Vegas, in which 10 highly respected CEOs were featured unambiguously confirming how business aviation works for their companies.
“Last year, we had 10 CEOs speak out,” Bolen said during the media breakfast. “This year, 10 more raised their hands. Fifteen more raised their hands. Twenty more raised their hands. When all was said and done, dozens of CEOs spoke out in support of business aviation – explaining why the use of a business airplane is critical to their companies’ success.”
The new campaign features more than 30 personal testimonials about the value that business aviation has brought to companies large and small, companies that are publicly traded as well as family-owned, and companies in a variety of different kinds of industries. The statements from 25 of the 30-plus business leaders are compiled into a new booklet distributed to attendees at NBAA2014, also called Business Leaders on Business Aviation.
The testimonials of all of the CEOs in the initiative are featured prominently at NBAA2014 this week on signage displayed throughout the event’s exhibit halls, meeting areas and static aircraft displays, as well as in advertisements appearing in show daily publications.
In addition to resonating with attendees at this year’s convention, Bolen said the voices of these business leaders will be joined by those from tens of thousands of others in the industry when policies are under consideration in Washington, which could have an impact on business aviation.