NBAA Welcomes Senate Confirmation of Michael Lawson as U.S. Representative to ICAO

July 23, 2014
Lawson is a Los Angeles-area lawyer who served as president of the Los Angeles World Airports’ Board of Airport Commissioners from 2011 to 2013.

Washington, DC, July 23, 2014 – National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen today welcomed the announcement that the U.S. Senate has approved the nomination of Michael A. Lawson as the U.S. representative to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) serving with the rank of ambassador. He was first nominated by the White House in September 2013 and then formally re-nominated again in January of this year when the second session of the 113th Congress convened.

Lawson is a Los Angeles-area lawyer who served as president of the Los Angeles World Airports’ Board of Airport Commissioners from 2011 to 2013, and he first joined that board as a member in 2005. “NBAA commends the Senate for approving the nomination of Michael Lawson,” Bolen said. “ICAO is a critical organization and we look forward to working with Michael as our chief U.S. representative.”

Founded in 1947 and based in Washington, DC, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is the leading organization for companies that rely on general aviation aircraft to help make their businesses more efficient, productive and successful. The Association represents more than 10,000 companies and provides more than 100 products and services to the business aviation community, including the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition, the world's largest civil aviation trade show. Learn more about NBAA at