The Happy Dance

Jan. 1, 2007
O’Brien’s new tradition

Well it finally happened, after watching the retirement countdown clock for 31 years, Bill O’Brien officially retired from the FAA.

And in typical Bill O’Brien fashion, Bill was not to leave FAA headquarters without instituting yet another tradition — a retirement “Happy Dance” (performed while his peers and the staff of AMT magazine looked on) on the steps of FAA Headquarters at 800 Independence Ave. in Washington, D.C.

According to O’Brien — “Retirement is too often construed as a negative term. Retirement, he says, is the beginning of another phase in life, and it should be a time to celebrate!”

And celebrate he did! Good luck in your retirement Bill — we wish you the best!

On another happy note, I would like to announce that Tom Hendershot, Charles Taylor Award recipient, FAA Mechanic of the Year, chair of the AMT Awards Committee and well-respected member of the aircraft maintenance community, has joined AMTSociety as executive director. AMTSociety is proud to have such an esteemed member of the maintenance community leading AMTSociety into the future! You will be hearing more from Tom and AMTSociety as we begin publishing AMTSociety’s Quarterly Mx Logs in AMT magazine beginning in the next issue. Look for some exciting additions to AMTSociety in the near future.

Greg Napert
Proud to be an A&P

About the Author

Greg Napert